At the beginning of the month, Caleb and I got to meet up with one of my best friends, Kathryn and her son Theo. Kat and I have known each other for about 13 years now, we met when we both worked in the same department store while we were at university and bonded over out mutual love of Einaudi (the most amazing pianist ever! Even if you think you haven't heard any of his music, you probably have, it's everywhere!) and it all went from there. When we both lived in Norwich we used to meet for hot chocolates and put the world to rights. We used to moan that there were no decent guys about and how we never thought we would meet anyone. Fast forward a couple more years and we used to chat about this amazing guy that Kat had met on her Masters degree course and an amazing guy at church who had recently started to show an interest in me. Fast forward a couple more years from that and our chats would consist of wedding planning to the aforementioned amazing guys. Kat then moved to Scotland and Seth and I got married and moved to Lancaster. We still managed to meet fairly frequently in Carlisle, which was a good half way point for both of us. We were at each other's weddings, I played the piano at Kat's wedding for her coming down the aisle and now here we are, with our sons! It's funny looking back and seeing how much our lives have changed from when we first met but also nice that we seem to have gone through the big stages of life at more or less the same time as each other. Despite knowing Kat for so long, the only photo I actually have of us together is this one from her wedding.
We went to an indoor play place so that the boys could burn off some energy and have fun. They weren't interested in the age - appropriate play area, they wanted to go in the area for 4 years plus, they are both such adventurers! It was pretty fun seeing Caleb discovering and exploring the different areas, trying to climb up ladders and walk across rope bridges!
Afterwards we went to Bluewater where we window shopped and stopped for hot chocolates where again we put the world to rights as our boys played! It's always so lovely to see Kat. Even though we don't get to see each other that frequently, whenever we get together again, we just pick up where we left off! I love that our boys get on so well with each other too, Caleb has been talking about Theo a lot since we saw them.
Later on that week, Seth and I went to my friend Theresa's wedding reception in Cobham. I went to university with Theresa - we first met 13 years ago! I can't believe how long it's been since we were there, it only seems a few weeks ago when we were working together on our language acquisition project! We've only seen each other a handful of times since then but it was so lovely to be able to share her special day with her. The venue was amazing and Theresa's dress was just incredible, she was a stunning bride, as we all knew she would be, she's a beautiful person inside and out.
Mum and Laura came down for a couple of days and as always we had a great time. Caleb absolutely adores both of them and he loved having them with us. Non-stop entertainment all around!
If you're wondering what is going on in the first picture, Laura is entertaining Caleb by putting McFlurry container lids on her ears. As you do. I don't think Caleb was that impressed though :). The other one is Caleb eating a piece of sandwich with a fork. He's so proper, you know ;).
Seth and I thought we would take advantage of Mum and Laura being here for a couple of days and we had a lovely date night. It's always so nice to be able to spend time together, I love it! We went to the cinema to see the new Captain America film. I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would, it was a pretty good film.
That weekend we went to the temple and saw more of the family but I'll probably talk about that when I write about Easter - I was a bit slack with taking photos so I am waiting for Laura to upload hers so that I can steal them. I'm nice like that.
Between seeing family and lovely friends, we had a pretty great start to our April. Happy April!