Last Saturday we headed to Ikea to get Caleb's bed. Caleb loves Ikea and he was running around like a crazy thing the whole time. Nothing is more appealing to him than running "really fast!" and climbing all over furniture so he was in his element!
I don't think it really hit me that we were actually getting him the bed until we went down to the collection hall to get it. Seth picked up the mattress and Caleb went running over to Seth. He looked so tiny standing next to this mattress (note that we were only getting him a junior bed so it's still not as big as a single bed or anything!) and I started to well up there and then! Thank goodness no one other than Seth saw me, I would have been so mortified! Stupid hormones!
Seth put the bed together when we got home that night and we told Caleb to come into his bedroom as we had a surprise for him in there. He looked a little unsure at first but he followed us in there. When he saw the bed, he said, "new bed for Caleb!" excitedly and climbed in to try it out. As he snuggled under the duvet, he said, "comfy!". We were pretty happy with that reaction. When we put him to bed that night, he had the biggest grin on his face and kept saying, "new bed for Caleb!", it was the cutest thing! Seth and I go in and check on Caleb every night before we go to bed but we were so excited to go in that night to see how he would find him and he looked so adorable. And then I cried again! I'm in denial that Caleb is getting any older, I just want to freeze time. He's still my little baby and these milestones are just a reminder that he's growing up! Which is cool but not cool at the same time!
Caleb has been in his bed for almost a week now and he is still loving it. He gets excited every night when he goes to bed and still says, "new bed for Caleb!" each time and either "comfy" or "cosy" as he snuggles into position. He stays in bed and doesn't mess around (so far!) and when I go in to get him in the mornings, he is still on the bed, waiting for me to get him up. I don't think he's figured out that he can get out himself yet, although he has no trouble climbing up and down in the day time when he is playing on it! I must say that the novelty of the bed hasn't worn off for me and Seth either just yet..... I just love going in to check on him at night and can't wait to see what random position we will find him in! Seth has this theory that we have a DVD of our lives which records all of the best moments that we want to remember and for me, seeing Caleb asleep in his bed would definitely make it on to mine.