Sunday, 3 March 2013


Mum has been down to see us a couple of times over the last couple of weeks. She has been coming down on Thursday, staying over and playing with us on Friday then going home on Friday evening. It's so lovely to have her here with us but one of the main reasons she has been coming is so that I can have a piano lesson. Since Caleb has been born, I have only had one lesson with him there with me and he was impeccably behaved. However, as much as I love him, it's easier for me if I don't have him there because I can't predict what mood he might be in and he may end up spending the whole time screaming. I try to arrange lessons on a Saturday but Mum and Laura are both really supportive and when they have come down recently, they have looked after Caleb so that I could have a lesson. Of course, they also don't mind because they love Caleb and love any excuse to be able to spend time with him.

Mum has been amazing though. She is always there and comes to see us whenever I ask her to. She has been knitting like crazy and Caleb has some gorgeous little jumpers and cardigans to show for it. Caleb absolutely adores her and is always full of smiles when he sees her. Even at the grand old age of 73 ( I can say that because she really doesn't care who knows! But then, if I look as good at her age as she does, I wouldnt care either!!), she still gets down on the floor to play with him. It's also great when she comes down because she really doesn't mind changing his dirty nappies and if she is more than willing, it would just be rude of me not to let her do it. Who am I to deprive her of that joy?! On Thursday nights, Seth gets home earlier than usual so when Mum is here, she looks after Caleb so that we can go out. A couple of weeks ago we went to see Les Mis (the film - I loved it!) and the week after when she was down, we were able to go out for a lovely Valentine's dinner. I am so grateful to her for always being there whenever we need her and for being a pretty great Mum and Grandma!



  1. Ditto to all of that - she is one in a million! x

  2. The pleasure is all mine !!!! I just LOVE that precious little boy. His parents are pretty good too !! Thank you Kirsty and Lin for those lovely comments. I feel as if I've grown from 5foot to 6.!! xx
