When it came to picking a preschool for him, I applied to a few because I wasn't sure where I actually wanted him to go to. I had completely forgotten about the one he is actually going to - they were one of the first ones that I called last summer and was told that they had no spaces! Then they called me a few weeks ago to tell me that a place had become available and when I went to have a look around, I knew that it would be perfect for Caleb and I loved it.
The induction went really well. The preschool leaders went over all of the official stuff with the parents and afterwards, the kids were free to wander around and play. Some of the parents stuck pretty close to their children but I tried to just let Caleb wander off to see how he managed without me being close by his side. He loved it! He was so busy playing and eventually, the only way that I managed to get him to leave was by reminding him that Grandma was at home waiting for us! I really hope that it is a good sign of things to come. He definitely seems ready for preschool now, so I'm hoping that he will adjust quickly and will love it when he starts in September.
The preschool asked for me to send in a photo of him and this was it!
How cute does he look? And when exactly did he grow up?! Surely he was only just born? I'm so proud of this little monkey, I just love him! (had I thought about it, I would have taken his bib off for the photo - he always has them on, he is such a dribbly boy, ha!)
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