A few weeks ago I was out at dinner with a friend and as we were sitting talking afterwards, I thought I felt the baby move. I wasn't sure but I knew it was different to any other feeling that I had ever had before in my stomach. It kind of felt like a tiny little wriggle. It only lasted a few seconds and then stopped. Of course, I was willing it to happen again to prove to myself that it was actually the baby moving and that I hadn't imagined it. Over the next couple of weeks following on from that I felt those little wriggles again, happening more frequently and slowly becoming stronger. Then when I was at work last week, I felt a poke inside my stomach. It was so exciting for me as I had become used to the little wriggles but the poke was different and I loved being able to feel the baby move. I know it's in there, of course, but it's one of those added confirmations that it is actually there.
A few days ago, I didn't feel the baby move at all, or at least not that I'd noticed. I really like feeling it and I quite miss it when I can't feel it (I know that all of you Mums out there are thinking, you just wait a few months and you won't be saying that. This may well be true, but at the moment I am enjoying it so allow me to revel in it for a while!) When we had finished dinner as I was sitting watching some TV, I felt a few little kicks. They were stronger than I had felt before. I think that maybe the baby was reacting to the dinner that I'd made, which I didn't particularly like either (anyone who knows me knows that cooking isn't my strong point. But I can make an amazing white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake, even if I do say so myself!). I put my hand on my stomach, wondering if it was strong enough for me to actually be able to feel it and I waited for the next kick. I was so happy when I actually felt it through my hand! I wasn't quite sure if I had actually properly felt it though, as it's difficult when you feel it inside of you to know if you actually did feel it outside too, or if you were just imagining it. Has anyone else had that too? I called Seth in from the spare room to get him to feel it, but the baby had performance anxiety and he/ she stopped playing.
Later on that night as I was laying in bed, I felt the baby start kicking again, so once again, I put my hand on my stomach. I definitely felt it this time and needless to say, I was quite keen for Seth to feel it too. I quickly made him put his hand where mine had been and we waited. I felt the baby kick a few seconds later but I didn't say anything to Seth because I wanted to make sure he felt it too. When he looked at me grinning and did a happy dance (I am sure he is thrilled that I just shared that but I can pretty much get away with saying anything on here as I don't think he reads it. Ever.), I knew that he had.
Whilst it may not seem like the biggest deal in the world to anyone else, for us, it was amazing and I'm looking forward to more kicks. That may well change but right now, I love it!
And here are the beginnings of a teeny tiny baby bump.There's really not that much to see yet! It looks bigger in the evenings and this was taken at 7.30am. Ignore my veiny claw hand.
Taken at 18 weeks