Wednesday 14 September 2011

Here it is....

I love looking at blogs. Not to sound too much like a stalker, but I love finding out what’s going on in my friends’ lives and seeing what they’ve been up to. I’ve kind of been toying with the idea of starting one for a while, so here I am, doing just that! To spare you from our life history, I'll get you up to speed briefly!  So, to get you up to speed, this is us!
We got married on 11th July 2009:
went on our honeymoon to Malta:
 and I moved to Lancaster, where Seth was doing his maths and statistics degree at Lancaster University. Then Seth graduated:
 And we moved down South to start our jobs in London, where Seth is a trainee actuary and I am a University undergraduate coordinator here. 

Welcome to our blog! 

1 comment:

  1. Yay - I can blog stalk my own sister and brother-in-law. How fun!
